Our Rose

A hospice program is designed to care for people as they near the end of life. At IMH Hospice, we strive to surround our patients and families with comfort and support during this difficult time in their lives. The Rose is our logo and symbolizes our philosophy of care.

At the heart of the rose lie our patient and family. Each petal of the rose symbolizes those who work with hospice and includes the services, equipment, and medications along with the Nurses, Home Health Aides, Social Worker, Spiritual Support and Volunteers who teach, guide and support the patient and family through this part of life's journey.

At first, the rose petals are a tightly interlocking bud; hospice protects the heart of the flower as it grows and develops. Then, the petals gently unfold as the patient and family within the heart flower in beauty and strength, meeting the needs of their loved one and each other as the process of sorrow and joy unfold at the end of life.

The stem of the flower symbolizes support through the bereavement process. The thorns are the sharp pangs of grief, which protect the delicate stem that is the lifeline for the entire bloom. In this way, bereavement is not the end, but a vital part of the flowering of the patient and family supplying strength and support feeding the entire blossom, petals and all.

Iroquois Memorial Hospice holds a whole bouquet of beautiful roses in every stage of life, blossoming each in their own time and in their own way. The vase is the foundation of our program, holding our bouquet upright, keeping all safe and nourished. It must be strong; made from material of lasting quality and with the knowledge to serve its purpose.

Life unfolds naturally, as we know. For everything, there is a season. The beauty of life, like the rose, has its own time. For the Iroquois Memorial Hospice Team, being present to that beauty in all of its natural glory is our privilege and our gift.