Volunteering, A Lifetime of Opportunity

Volunteers are an essential part of the Iroquois Memorial Hospice team and program. Each volunteer brings special talents to the program. Our Volunteer Coordinator will schedule volunteers according to their talents and interests.

Volunteer training is scheduled throughout the year. Our Volunteer Coordinator will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our program. To download a volunteer application, click here.

Community Outreach Volunteers:

Volunteers for Community Outreach are able to assist with staffing the fair booth or other information booths, volunteer for speaking engagements, or contribute their talents with other community projects, i.e. parades, health fairs, etc.

Bereavement volunteers can assist with monthly mailings, telephone calls, scrapbooking, as well as assisting with preparing squares for the hospice Quilt of Hope or even sewing the quilt.

Fundraising Volunteers:

The fundraisers organize and direct the fundraising activities for our hospice organization.

Office Support Volunteers:

Office Support Volunteers assist with office work such as filing, sort and staple handouts, run errands, assist in reception area, and other clerical tasks.

Patient Care Volunteers:

Patient Care Volunteers can visit patients for companionship, stay with them during brief caregiver absences, assist with meals, run errands, assist with light housework, read to patients or write letters, and just be present to listen.

To learn more about becoming an IMH Hospice Volunteer, contact Mary Walczak, IMH Hospice Volunteer Coordinator at 815-432-0185.