Health Screening - Arterial

Monday thru Friday
IMH Medical Imaging

To schedule your Arterial Disease Screening appointment, please call 815/432-7727 or 1-800/242-2731 ext. 7727.

There are no symptoms to Arterial Disease. Yet through proper screenings your risk of Stroke, Aortic Aneurysm and Peripheral Arterial Disease may be diagnosed. This allows you time to make lifestyle changes or receive medical treatment to avoid the number three killer in America, Stroke or other Arterial Diseases.

At IMH only the most advanced colorflow ultrasound technology is used. A Board Certified Radiologist reviews, confirms, and interprets your results before returning them to you and your physician within 15 business days. Arterial Disease Screenings offer you a way to monitor their health without the limitations of Medicare or other insurance providers.

Stroke Screening/Carotid Artery
Purpose: The Ultrasound Scan of the carotid arteries screens for the build up of fatty plaque, the leading cause of strokes. COST - $40

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
Purpose: This test screens for the existence of an Aneurysm (enlargement) in the abdominal aorta that could lead to a ruptured aortic artery. COST - $40

Peripheral Arterial Disease Screening
Purpose: This test screens for Peripheral Arterial Disease in the lower extremities. An abnormal result may indicate a risk for decreased circulation in the lower extremities and may indicate an increased risk of Coronary Artery Disease. COST - $40

If a significant finding is noted through the screening process, the participant will be instructed to contact their listed physician for further evaluation and management. The family practitioner can then order more extensive testing and give consideration for treatment.

To schedule your Arterial Disease Screening appointment, please call 815/432-7727 or 1-800/242-2731 ext. 7727.

At this time, Medicare does not cover vascular screening exams. Iroquois Memorial Hospital does not file insurance claims nor provide any referrals to a particular physician's group.