Advance Directive Information

With the issue of Advanced Directives being a big part of the national news of late, more and more people are taking their first serious look at this important topic. Advanced Directives are important because they help ensure that your wishes will be carried out should you be incapacitated and unable to speak for yourself.

Once you have completed an Advanced Directive, you should discuss your wishes with your family members and healthcare providers.

It is also important to know that the requirements for Advanced Directives vary widely from state to state. If your state is not listed below, it is recommended that you contact your state's Public Health Department, Hospital Association, Local Hospital or Bar Association.

Illinois Residents
If you are a resident of Illinois and would like more information about the laws on Advance Directives or would like sample forms of Living Wills, Healthcare Power of Attorney or Do-Not Resuscitate Orders (all forms are available in English or Spanish), click here.

Indiana Residents
If you are a resident of Indiana and would like more more information on Advanced Directives (in English) click here; (in Spanish) click here. To view the Indiana State Department of Health Advance Directives brochure, click here.

To download a copy of Indiana's Out-Of-Hospital Do Not Resuscitate Declaration Order, click here.

More Information
To request more information from Iroquois Memorial Hospital, please contact us.